Money shot: pornhub story

Money shot: pornhub story

In less polite terms, it was claimed that the website was storing films of rape and child pornography. When the doc's discussion turns to Pornhub's egregious acts firing up anti-porn movements, Hillinger interviews groups like the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about who is really to blame or what should be done. Since making her debut in the adult film industry in at the age of 33, Cherie has appeared in over adult films. Few people from MindGeek sat down for interviews, but we hear from two supposed MindGeek whistleblowers: a content moderator whose identity is disguised and a random human resources employee. Slowly but surely Now can we make it ALL go away? Over the course of the four-hour-plus-long interview, we discussed my time in porn, the evangelicals trying to destroy the legal porn industry, why I chose to start writing about the topic, and tons of other issues. The documentary delves into the shocking revelations brought to light by a New York Times OpEd article, which uncovered a significant number of illegal and non-consensual videos on Pornhub, including underage girls, hidden camera footage, and rape. As society becomes more aware of the dangers lurking within this seemingly harmless activity, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves and take action to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The moderator makes serious accusations of MindGeek not taking down illicit material, but his disguise makes it hard for viewers to trust him. Ethan Shanfeld ethanshanfeld. Now playing on Netflix. We get to hear many different voices from many different sides including lawyers, directors, anti-sex-trafficking activists, and most significantly, the performers and models whose livelihoods depend on their abilities to upload content on sites such as Pornhub.

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