Money shot pornhub story

Money shot pornhub story

It, however, hardly tells us anything about its policies and style of operation. The documentary then goes on to touch upon how the platform faced severe backlash following allegations that it hosted non-consensual sexual content. Thus, in its own way, and for all its salacious trappings, Money Shot actually reveals itself to be a movie not just about a pornographic website, but about the essentiality of content moderation and verified online identities more broadly. Meanwhile, their actions have perverse outcomes for those working in the industry. It speaks tactfully on behalf of the creators who have been thrown under the bus, and have lost money, thanks to a company that more or less has avoided accountability while internet porn became associated with sex trafficking and child abuse. What to Hear Expand the sub menu. Listen to Story. Bc they allowed their site to become a hub for the darkest and most disgusting things humans are capable of. The professionals Hillinger interviews in the film, talking about their livelihood and perhaps your pleasure, will be the first to tell you that. Following the virality of both the traffickinghub campaign and the New York Times article, all credit card companies involved in processing payments for Model Hub, the part of Pornhub behind a paywall- and ironically, the only part of the site guaranteed to be populated with professional, verified, age appropriate performers - cut ties with the site. Sacramento Review: Introspective Buddy Comedy. In a matter of days, credit card companies began to pull their support in processing payments.

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