Most viewed porn in pornhub

Most viewed porn in pornhub

While both genders enjoy adult content, women are more likely to consume written erotica. Somalia, meanwhile, decided to chart a course all its own. Marylanders had the longest visits on average, lasting 11 minutes and 31 seconds, while Louisianan residents seemingly liked to indulge in a quickie, taking just 8 minutes and 21 seconds to complete an average visit. To put that into perspective, every single minute, these top three sites collectively receive , visits, and users tend to stick around for an average of 18 minutes per session. Share this article Comments. Comment required. Americans now browse and watch for an average of 9 minutes and 51 seconds per session. In , Pornhub alone witnessed a jaw-dropping 5,,, hours of content consumption. Meanwhile, the company also disclosed that Americans were the most prolific users of their X-rated website, with frisky Filipinos rising three spots to take second spot. Countless theories and conclusions can likely be drawn from its depths, and one can only guess how things will change, or stay the same, in Top countries by traffic Pornhub. Fortunately, one of the most visited adult websites globally, Pornhub, provides valuable insights by anonymously collecting and sharing user data each year, unveiling the ever-evolving landscape of sexual desires.

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