Naked bethany

Naked bethany

In essence, I'm sculpting her with posing and light as the photoshoot progresses. Shoot what you know will look good, and keep it simple. Luckily, she was in competition mode and made my work easy. Adventurous and daring ftv girl Bethany gets naked and shows her mind blowing sex appeal. Bethany Casual Presentation. As an artist while shooting, I'm posing her in my head before I decide to take the picture on the spot. Blossoming young girl Bethany strips flirtatiously. Strobist info: 2-light shot, one on each side with Westcott strips. I asked her if this is something she'd be open to, and she somewhat surprisingly said yes. No matter, because my backup Oly 45mm was easily up to the task and in my personal tests, is just about as sharp. It's really not much different from most of my shoots. In the past, I'd usually draw up little sketches of the poses that I'd like to try before the photoshoot.

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