Naked in photo booth

Naked in photo booth

Thanks for the pics Ted, and for all the friendship and the support you give me. Tattered and Lost Vernacular Photography blog is run anonymously by an imaginative, dedicated blogger, who also publishes books on vernacular photography. Through keen observations and sometimes, lateral thinking, the commentaries on each photo reveals something more about American life, past and present, than might have been clear at first glance. Sweet babe enjoyed amazing photo session As long as at least one photo in the set matches the thread topic , it is perfectly fine to post the set together. Thanks anyway for your effort. These images simply can't be hosted on OCC. I will do this indiscriminately, so please don't take it personally. Meg from Denver, Colorado lives in France. Images with logos and personal info can still be shared by providing links to the photos as they appear on the original photobooth site that hosts them. Video Booth Subscribe Subscribed.

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