Naruto tsunade real

Naruto tsunade real

She was a big help to me through the years. Jiraiya and Tsunade might never have a fully romantic relationship, but their unwavering support for one another is something that fascinated fans from the moment they were introduced. After all, everyone else that she had loved either left town or perished. This didn't stop Jiraiya from staying by her side for a very long time, however. She was now completely useless. But she was still afraid of not being able to do so. Jiraiya was always a brash, headstrong ninja with a little too much interest in the female form. Chapter Seventy-Seven: Mai's decision. The Fifth Hokage casts a large-scale healing jutsu and becomes the savior of Konoha. Later, he traveled around and met many beautiful women, writing romantic novels on his experiences. After all, Tsunade remains to this day as one of the leading figures in the field of Medicine. Fortunately for Tsunade, she managed to push through and regain her health.

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