Non sequitur comic

Non sequitur comic

Translated from Latin as "it does not follow", Non Sequitur is a comic strip created by Wiley Miller, usually credited as Wiley. Article Talk. Unlike Hobbes, however, Lucy is a "real" horse who the kids talk to and interact with the same as any other character, nor is she invisible to adults. Cities with the Worst Drivers. That strip resulted in Malaysia's New Straits Times apologizing to an offended readership, but no action was taken in the US. Partly because these birthday comics are not CIDUs, but mostly because it would have been far too much effort just for a little structural nostalgia, this entire collection has been gathered into a single list but is divided into appropriate categories. Expy : Some readers complained that Lucy the horse was an expy of Hobbes , albeit indirectly "I liked it better when it was with a tiger". Gifts Store Gift Ideas Categories. Associated Press. Lucy : Deep enough Danae : Yeah. As the cast of characters grew and merged, he became the often-bewildered father of Danae and Kate. You can also read Editor Beryl Love's comments about the decision here.

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