Panam sex scene

Panam sex scene

But since the camp is filled mobsters who will shoot at you on sight you will most likely shoot your way in and out. How to romance Panam Palmer in Cyberpunk by Manfred. Just make sure you agree. Transgender 34, Fetish 25, Reality 26, Once that's done, wait for the final quest, Pyramid Song to finally get together with Judy. Personalized Recommendations On Off. That said, Phantom Liberty does add extra dialogue to your pre-existing romances. You and her will then have a chat about staying with her and become a nomad with the Aldecaldos. Cyberpunk does have a Mature rating for a reason and while some of the sex scenes are kind of bad and awkward , the first-person viewpoint isn't doing encounters any favors no pun intended. Big Dick 72,

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