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By Jordan Strain. Tourists overwhelmed. Staff were in a permanent whirl, happily dispensing copious cocktails to accompany French classics. Reddit: the Internet's City Hall. The Problem with Colleen Hoover. And even when you have consent, you have boundary pushing, coercion, and again the use of stereotypes. Pornographic content can be violent and harmful, misogynistic, and even illegal. So, despite oysters, despite Montparnasse cinema, despite Alain Ducasse, I stopped dreaming of Paris. It may be silent right now but during my first lunchtime visit the joint was proverbially jumping. This is a movie set, not a restaurant, and any second now the credits are going to roll. Plus, I once got my laptop nicked while clambering out of a taxi there. No requirement for lemon, tabasco, or shallot vinegar, just a small pinot blanc to underpin their saline sweetness.

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