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Whitney Wright is home from her first semester of college and all she wants to do is crash in her room. Personally, I love the ones that run out of her mouth while she is still sucking. Post your best. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. New posts. Sort by date Most Liked Posts. Within my shoots I love to have a say and voice an opinion on things like casting, styling and hair and makeup, although photography is my overall craft, the whole process to me is still super exciting and if something like the styling is of, the enthusiasm and energy kind of slips. The tow are flirting in the living room when Daisy nearly catches them kissing. Vanessa really gave me creative freedom in terms of casting, style of shooting and post production choices, which tends to work best for me. From pinch-me moments to bad dates and even worse chat-up lines, think of it as an overindulgent conversation — like the ones you have in sticky club toilets at 4. You are using an out of date browser. Although when a client does book a super fancy studio with kit etc, I do love that.

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