

So I see zero evidence of a bug -- it's much more likely just a misconfiguration -- although for us to be sure, you would need to post the output of resolvectl so that we can see your actual configuration. As we talk about privacy setup, and as DNS request are not encrypted, letting them go to the VPN server without passing trough the tun0 is pretty much as bad as requesting to the ISP, as they are easy to intercept from the ISP. Only those 2 servers must be available to it. I live in an unfortunate part of the world where DNS requests are hijacked.. A more advanced version of the query it to trace the nameservers each nameserver relies on by looking up what it sees - for example nslookup server 8. Hey guys, is it possible to use systemd, but not resolved? Sep 06 arcana-ubuntu systemd-resolved[]: Sending query packet with id One site is a free file sharing site I joined a long time ago to share photos with family and friends while traveling but it has become flooded with pirated stuff and I can't connect to it here anymore but I can connect when I travel to another country. Not even this.. Send a private message to malvinas2. Wow, so I've just found this and have been wondering why I've had so many problems with ivpn. There can't find any easy way to tell systemd-resolve to use a specified DNS server, or disable any DNS server according " systemd-resolve --help ".

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