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Bruce Seven Films videos. Archived from the original on January 4, The senate decided that the voting on the resolution would be in a closed vote format done via a google form as opposed to an open vote done by the raising of hands, which is not a common occurrence. Your Cookies, Your Choice We use cookies and similar technologies that are necessary to run our Website essential cookies. Nichelle Nichols, the beloved Lt. New York: Novinka Books. They then withdrew permission to make the remake to Deep Throat , and forced Steve Hirsch to remarket and edit his movie for copyright purposes. Los Angeles Times. In August , after a jury in New York City had found the movie not to be obscene, [23] prosecutors decided to charge Mature Enterprises, the company that owned the World Theater, for promotion of obscene material, taking them to trial in December. Retrieved May 19, Whorny Films videos. These allegations were cited in the UK Government's Rapid Evidence Assessment on "The evidence of harm to adults relating to exposure to extreme pornographic material" [22] as part of its plans to criminalize possession of what it termed " extreme pornography ".

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