Porn stars 80s

Porn stars 80s

She refused and was eventually arrested for tax evasion. Leslie was the first male star to successfully switch from adult film acting to directing. She spent the next few years in the adult-film business, then crossed over to become a featured dancer on the "gentleman's club" circuit--the first adult-film star to do so. Bunny Bleu. Sign in. I was still a kid back then but I can easily appreciate looking back. Birthday: November 3, Amber Lynn. After graduating from Berkeley High School in , Nina attended San Francisco State University's undergraduate school of nursing and graduated in Then: A true Manhattanite, Gillis, an openly bisexual man, graduated magna cum laude from Columbia University and first ventured into the adult film world after reading an advertisement in the "Village Voice" while he was a taxi driver. Brittany was raised in Phoenix, Arizona. These names were big in the 80s and many of these adult entertainers continued past the 80s.

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