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Israel reacted with indignation and, according to the ministry, summoned the Armenian ambassador to deliver a sharp rebuke. PAN Media. Byron rides out yet another power outage in an Autoblog long-term test car. Armenia had always regarded a two-state solution as the best way out of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, it noted about its recognition. Yahoo Sports. Trends traffic insights are calculated using petabytes of clickstream data. View comments. In recent weeks, Norway, Spain, Ireland and Slovenia have recognized a Palestinian state to exert pressure for a resolution to the decades-old conflict. Organic Social — Traffic sent to a domain via posts on social media platforms For example, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, or YouTube that were created and published without any paid promotion or advertising. All rights reserved. The Yahoo Fantasy football analysts reveal their first running back rankings for the NFL season. Armenia supports a United Nations resolution on an immediate ceasefire in Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza and is in favour of a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a ministry statement said.

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