Pornhub baned in texas

Pornhub baned in texas

High School. There are, however, instances where pornography can become illegal: Child Pornography Penal Code Paxton has accused the company of failing to follow the state's age verification law, which requires adult-content websites to make sure viewers are at least 18 years old. Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation. Violations can lead to significant legal consequences, including lengthy prison sentences and mandatory sex offender registration. And let's be real: if the government is operating a database of everybody who looks at smut, what happens if it leaks or gets hacked? Latest stories. Meet the Team. Languages: English. You may unsubscribe at any time. Hot and muggy days ahead for North Texas. There's also a more expansive way of doing device-based verification, which would require anyone using a smartphone or computer device to verify their age with the device provider as opposed to making it an opt-in thing.

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