Pornhub banned from texas

Pornhub banned from texas

Doing so would result in users submitting personal information to the platform over and over again. Similar legislation in Indiana could become law and possibly lead to Pornhub also disabling access to that state, the difference is, the company may also be held legally liable by minors' parents. By blocking access to Texas netizens, Pornhub is complying with the age verification law, which was passed last year. The world's largest adult content website, Pornhub, has blocked users from accessing it and its sister sites in Texas over a dispute regarding an age verification law that the Lone Star State passed in Pornhub is now unavailable in a total of six states, including Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah, and Virginia. The Pornhub ban is a result of the state demanding age verification, which the pornography site has refused to comply with. Ethan Miller via Getty Images. It's also hard to imagine people being okay with using their driver's license online to access these sites. Government attempts to chill speech, no matter the method, are prohibited by the Constitution and decades of legal precedent. Filed Under: laws , Pornhub , texas. The Texas Attorney General's office appealed that decision. HB would require individuals to verify their age with an actual ID - rather than clicking 'I'm 18' as most people have become accustomed to.

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