Pornhub banned in india

Pornhub banned in india

Whatsapp Facebook Twitter. Contents move to sidebar hide. And some of them were showing even Softporn and porn as a webseries, and they all were violating the IT Rules , IT Act section , , section 67 A and Indecent representation of women prohibition act. However, the default setting is turned off 0 and to activate it, you will need to go to About:Config and network settings. During the lockdown, India registered a 20 per cent jump in consumption of pornographic content. However, when you simply try and key in the URL, you will notice that popular websites such as Xvideos and Pornhub have been blocked, leaving Indians searching for their fix of porn scratching their head in disbelief; since most of those who are trying to access these sites are of legal age, that is, over the age of American Civil Liberties Union Renton v. In July the Supreme Court of India refused to allow the blocking of pornographic websites and said that watching pornography indoors in the privacy of one's own home was not a crime. His motivation is to be on the cutting edge. Kamlesh Vaswani is a happy man today. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. Heatwave Travel Guide.

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