Pornhub banned virginia

Pornhub banned virginia

However, an analysis by the Virginia Mercury shows the majority of these websites are not using age verification methods as mandated. Copy Link. In , the Free Speech Coalition filed a lawsuit in Utah after the state introduced age verification requirements for adult websites, resulting in a statewide block from Pornhub. The legislation passed the General Assembly on a nearly unanimous vote this March. Meghan McIntyre is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University with a degree in print and online journalism. The law requires pornography websites to use age verification technology to more stringently determine whether a person is 18 or older to gain access to the site. Spoiler alert: It did! Share this story. Related News. Order one of these cool gifts that will still arrive on time. However, Virginians can still easily access blocked websites like Pornhub through virtual private networks, or VPNs — encryption methods that allow easy access to websites regardless of location. Boden also emphasized that less-mainstream websites, unlike Pornhub, often lack adequate guardrails that ensure content uploaded on their platforms is consensual and legal.

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