Pornhub billions

Pornhub billions

Porn hub co-owner David Tassillo registered four companies in known tax havens. The papers also claim Colombian pop star Shakira set up offshore entities in the British Virgin Islands to conceal assets. Her defence team had argued that until she earned most of her money in international tours and did not live more than six months a year in Spain - and was therefore not a resident under tax law. Contents hide. The statistics of Pornhub in reveal not only the scale of its reach but also reflect the evolving social, cultural, and technological shifts taking place worldwide. Supplementary notes. Next Continue. Read more. Hospital trust criticised last year for promoting 'natural' labour over C-sections under fire again after The latest scandal follows a lawsuit in June accusing Pornhub of profiting off of videos posted online without their consent which featured rape, revenge porn and child pornography. Pandora Papers Vladimir Putin Delaware. Recent data suggests that a majority of women and most men indulge in adult content, and these percentages are on the rise.

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