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Premier League. See our Privacy Notice. Do you have a story for The Sun news desk? Group Facebook Twitter. Former Premier League goalkeeper dies aged just 26 as tributes pour in. News all Most Read Most Recent Heatwave Exact date UK will be hit by 24C 'mini heatwave' as Brits complain 'when does summer begin' Experts are attempting to comfort fed-up Brits by saying they see a final end to this brutal cold spell - the low-pressure front on the Atlantic is lifting soon and things will get better. Meghan Markle. Katie Price breaks silence on JJ Slater 'split' claim weeks after matching tattoos. Bruno Tonioli. Arsenal FC. Russia Inside abandoned desert space centre with rusty shuttles as man dies trying to reach it Last week a year-old died in the middle of the sweltering Kazakhstan desert while trekking to the abandoned cosmodrome, as eerie pictures emerge of what lies within the Soviet-era spaceport.

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