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Lawmakers tussled over the legislation in committee and on the floor. Outside the courtroom, Friedman helped launch a local charity, Barristers for a Better Bytown, that raised money to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Ottawa, including at-risk youth. Sign up. Sign Up for Free. That was a function of the shame and stigma that continues to attach to adult entertainment, he says, even though it is a ubiquitous, legal and constitutionally protected form of entertainment. One of the most visited sites on the internet, Pornhub is also among the most controversial. His bill failed to gain traction but Sen. Why would one of their leading members want anything to do with something as toxic as Pornhub? All Rights Reserved. Advertisement 2. Born into an Orthodox family in west-end Ottawa, Friedman grew up in a household with nine siblings. Sign up for the Mirror Indy newsletter!

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