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However, the creators learned quickly that this had only "a limited shelf life" and did not provide them as much as they originally thought it would. Meanwhile, Hayley and Steve conspire to break up a good-looking couple so that they can date the two. Then Luiz, encouraged by Steve, goes to beat up the guy that beat him up yet learns that it is Stelio Kontos and the two bullies team up along with Roger to target Steve. Retrieved June 27, And for that reason, I think our humor is a little more evergreen. When asked whether or not this method has ever brought on difficulties, Barker answered in the affirmative and explained:. The creators, however, have stated that the character was far too much fun to keep restricted to the house, and having him interact with different people provided for much material. Archived from the original on May 1, On several occasions, a circumstance expands and progresses across a collection of episodes. Alien Nation Alien Alien vs. The Stelio Kontos's song sounds, revamped by Roger adding " and Luiz ". Archived from the original on May 28,

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