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Following the match, the German players and managers offered words of consolation to the Brazilians. Copyright -. Ford says to cut 1, more jobs at Valencia factory. This was also the fifth time that Germany defeated the host nation of tournament, after Chile in , Spain in , Mexico in and South Korea in this last also in a semifinal. Association football match between Brazil and Germany in In the 11th minute, the Germans scored from their first corner of the game. Germany's Miroslav Klose equalled the Brazilian Cafu as the player with most matches being on the winning side at the World Cup, with 16 victories. AFP news material may not be stored in whole or in part in a computer or otherwise except for personal and non-commercial use. Department of Agriculture investigation to examine the supply of horses for slaughter. Al Jazeera. The Roar. Strong bilateral relations stressed in Anwar speech.

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