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Add to playlist. The disguise disappears, revealing a White Zetsu. Katsuyu dissolves across the battlefield, allowing Tsunade and Sakura to constantly rejuvenate everybody as they unite against Obito. Madara, now in possession of two Rinnegan, ascends into the sky and, despite Naruto and Sasuke's attempt to stop him, casts the Infinite Tsukuyomi. She meets with Tsunade to discuss possible ways of mimicking another person's chakra signature, and comes up with a theory of somebody extracting Sasuke's chakra from his skin and hair samples that have been gathered in large amounts. Sign Up for Free and enhance your experience. Sakura in adulthood. When they arrive at the village where Nerugui's owners live, they are attacked by Temujin 's warriors, who wield the power of the Stone of Gelel. Vote on categories. She later wakes up to find herself in the care of Shizune , who informs her that Sarada has left the village to look for Sasuke and also tells her about Sarada's doubts on her parentage. Her bindings dissolve when Gaara is defeated, which Sakura assumes she has Sasuke to thank for. The Sage of Six Paths explains how Naruto and Sasuke can end the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but Sasuke has plans before that: starting a revolution by killing the tailed beasts and Five Kage , which he believes will change the world for the better.

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