Pornhub erectile dysfunction

Pornhub erectile dysfunction

The study was a result of a survey of 3, men who answered questions about sexual habits, such as masturbation , how often they watch porn, and sexual activity with partners. In the past gentleman may have suffered in silence rather than go to their doctor. The investigative team found that test subjects spent an approximately 3 hours each week online viewing pornography. For example, a man might have a physical ailment that makes it difficult to sustain an erection. The jury is still out and PIED is inconclusive. However, according to new research presented July 16, , at the European Association of Urology EAU Virtual Congress , too much pornography watching can lead to trouble: It is linked to increased cases of erectile dysfunction ED , when males have trouble getting and maintaining an erection. Install porn blocking software on your computer. Find a trained sex therapist. Men may have other reasons for abstaining from pornography but should know that doing so will not directly address an underlying sexual health issue. In the 35 to 45 age group that watched minutes per week, 40 percent had ED. Mail will not be published required. The team also checked the association between ED and porn addiction , and found a much stronger connection.

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