Pornhub ethical capital partners

Pornhub ethical capital partners

If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a commission. Some links in this article may be affiliate links. PornHub receives over million visits every day and is one of many pornography platforms owned by MindGeek. ECP's purchase of Pornhub may have surprised many — given that, on its website, the private equity group says it seeks out investments in areas that require 'principled ethical leadership'. Most commonly, their male partner films their consensual sexual encounter, sometimes surreptitiously. Luxembourg-registered MindGeek has towered over the adult industry since the advent of video streaming. However, there are still ways of holding companies like this financially accountable. Women call us seeking support and advice after experiencing pornography-related male violence which, much like rape, battery or sexual harassment, leaves them feeling betrayed and alone. Videos promoting sexual encounters with youthful-looking women and bearing titles that describe a familial relationship are featured heavily among the most watched titles. Further, the article accused the site of ignoring the victims in these videos when they asked for the videos to be taken down. World Show more World. Horrifying bodycam footage shows bloated 14ft alligator with year-old mother in its body after she was

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