Pornhub forced

Pornhub forced

Introduced at the beginning of , the bill was passed in June and took effect in September BY Leo Schwartz. What was Girls Do Porn accused of? The new lawsuit comes weeks after federal prosecutors unsealed a new sex-trafficking indictment against a former GirlsDoPorn employee. But Wankz. According to the complaint, a video featuring one of the plaintiffs was the second most viewed video in on PornHub — a site that the complaint alleges had 42 billion views in , making it the 10th most visited website in the world. Already have an account? BY Eleanor Pringle. Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options. BY Orianna Rosa Royle. Courts Latest Breaking. Gary Baker, 46, of Campo, pleaded guilty to hit-and-run causing death and other charges in connection with the Thanksgiving Day collision with motorcyclist Austin Spirz,

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