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So important. That would be ludicrous, right? To provide this information that easily is a huge relief for people. Brunch served with a side of drag. In just one month, London label J. Reply 2 Recommend Share. None radical in isolation, but all markers of a much wider shift toward a free-flowing approach to sexuality in fashion. We said that Matt would travel, find people in these cities and ask them what a safe space means to them. The choice acquaints the intimate world of porn with the global nature of high profile fashion advertising, and in doing so, it normalises as much as it radicalises. Keeping females unable to do male physical jobs by debilitating them with a variety of devices, like bound feet, tight corsets, soft hand skin demand, and unstable shoes helps to differentiate between males and females sexually, which creates contrast that can underlie much of the appeal. Or so I thought…. It has been said that a world without art would be blind to itself.

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