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Categories : Incidents of domestic violence American people convicted of murder American female murderers Living people September crimes in the United States crimes in New York state births Mariticides. Lyons observed and documented signs of Addimando's injuries — a bruise on her face and another on the back of the neck, a bite mark on her shoulder and red marks on her breast, thigh, buttocks and genitalia, Lyons said. The evidence, which included a detailed history of repeated sexual, physical, and psychological abuse by Grover against the defendant, expert testimony regarding the impact of that abuse on the defendant, and the defendant's testimony regarding the events prior to the subject shooting, established that the abuse was a significant contributing factor to the defendant's criminal behavior. Addimando July 14, , Text. Retrieved December 6, Retrieved February 3, Retrieved August 20, The defense implied that the red marks are burn injuries — Addimando has previously testified that she went to Vassar after Grover burned parts of her body with a heated metal kitchen utensil — while prosecutors implied that they may have been caused by shaving or waxing the area. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately from the article and its talk page, especially if potentially libelous. He had officers on stand-by, ready to arrest Grover at the couple's apartment, Ruscillo said. Addimando did not request a sexual assault forensic exam, said Lyons, under questioning by Putnam County Assistant District Attorney Chana Krauss, whose office is handling the case as special prosecutor. The New Yorker.

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