Pornhub in texas

Pornhub in texas

IE 11 is not supported. The issue stems from the age verification system that Pornhub failed to implement. Video Expand the sub menu. ACLU opinions, both of which dealt with the Internet. That organization has argued tools like content-blockers and use by parents are more effective for protecting children. Very few sites are able to compare to the robust Trust and Safety measures we currently have in place. Sections U. Explicit Details. In September, a federal judge blocked a Texas law passed last year requiring age verification. Pornhub's message advocated for a device-based approach to age verification in which "personal information that is used to verify the user's age is either shared in-person at an authorized retailer, inputted locally into the user's device, or stored on a network controlled by the device manufacturer or the supplier of the device's operating system. This makes it more attractive to people visiting porn platforms and to the platforms themselves. HB passed in , requiring porn sites to verify the age of users with a government-issued ID or reasonable alternative.

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