Pornhub instagram account

Pornhub instagram account

Photo credit: Getty Images. News News. This kind of rhetoric is similar to the talking points used by other right-wing groups that take umbrage with everything from Drag Queen Story Hour to openly gay teachers in schools. As noted above, by allowing Pornhub a place on their platforms, social media companies risk exposing people to the criminal, violent, racist content on Pornhub and other pornography sites. It is worth remembering that according to the US Trafficking Victim's Protection Act, it's illegal to knowingly benefit from a sex trafficking venture. From our sponsor. The acts, which were signed into law by President Donald Trump, made websites liable for accusations of facilitating human trafficking under the guise of protecting sexual-abuse victims. MindGeek also says it has expanded its moderation workforce and processes, and partnered with dozens of nonprofit organizations around the world. Action Center. For any tech enthusiast, a pilgrimage to the heart of innovation is a dream come true. Listen to Story. Traffickinghub is not aimed at the legal porn industry, but is exclusively focused on shutting down Pornhub for the criminal exploitation of countless victims.

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