Pornhub is in reduced features mode

Pornhub is in reduced features mode

Select Enable the spell checking web service to always let Chrome use a Google web service to resolve spelling errors in text that users type. You can specify the action to take when a user's ARC data directory was created with virtio-fs. However, for unmanaged users, Steam is available by default. You can choose whether to load the CryptoToken component extension at startup. The manifest file is the blueprint of your extension, and must be located in the extension's root directory. If the Spell check setting is set to Disable spell check , the Spell check service setting has no effect. Information is shown only for Google apps and services that are turned on and URLs that are not blocked. Report it! If you select Force throttling of background javascript timers or Force no throttling of background javascript timers , the policy is force enabled or force disabled and users cannot override the option. Only audio Spam or obscene language? When printing to a non-PostScript printer, some print jobs need to be rasterized to print correctly. Controls whether the Developer tools option appears on the Tools menu.

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