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Jason not his real name is a sixty-something-year-old American expatriate living and working in a large European city. And I think he has good reason to be cautious. We like lists a lot. Jordan Rock: ? From the OH: What is the most memorable response that someone has ever yelled out? He cites findings from developmental and personality theory, dips into relations between intelligence and competence, and dissects social trends. Furthermore, he believes it gives his students and followers the shake-up they need, not through the piling on of analysis and argument, not through an edifice of tightly worded propositions, but with the personal, naked voice of bluff authority. Jordan Rock: Yeah.. And it works. Why is that? There are the many layers of philosophy, religious psychology, evolutionary theory, primatology, politics, historical vistas painted in outrageous colours, and yes, a certain amount of ideology underlying his advice. And while he could be a lot more careful about whom he knocks out of his path, his energy and intelligence, his astonishing aim and unbridled honesty, make it worth the ride—and the bruises.

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