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Danielle Conrad of Lincoln called it "a rather odd political choice" for the governor to deride lawmakers in his farewell speech, but said the body was nonetheless "eager to roll up our sleeves and come back and find commonsense solutions during the special session. I just sold a video on Modelhub. Justin Wayne offered a less optimistic assessment of the looming special session: "He has to find 33 votes. Bird flu detected in dairy cows in 12 states Lindsey Theis. Get it before Then someone died. Temperatures on Monday reached the 90s. News Alerts Subscribe. TW Muscle Gays. Pillen initially floated the idea of a 2-cent increase in the sales tax rate and a rollback of sales tax exemptions as a means to provide property tax relief, drawing fire from groups across the political spectrum, including the Lincoln-based fiscal policy think tank OpenSky and the conservative-run advocacy organization Americans For Prosperity. Crime and Courts Trial continues in the stabbing death of a Great Falls woman. Jim Pillen to recall lawmakers to Lincoln for special session in late July Officials couldn't get bacteria out of a Nebraska nursing home's water.

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