Pornhub most searched 2023

Pornhub most searched 2023

Pornhub has released data analyzing viewer habits and searches over the course of The bawdy Bayou State denizens seemingly liked to indulge in a quickie, taking just 8 minutes and 21 seconds per visit on average. However, some events will cause Pornhub traffic to increase. The content aims to break the fictional standards of porn. Visitors tend to watch the Lesbian category the most, but compared to the rest of the world, U. Many people have experienced loneliness and isolation and may be craving love, intimacy and romance. IN general, was a breakout year for artificial intelligence , and Pornhub's results show that this also extended to pornography, with searches for ' android ' porn also popular. Our statisticians are chalking that up to the Black Friday Effect, as more people may have been online shopping during that time. Some countries have even higher mobile usage. As for trends, was all about mature porn. The research by University of Alberta is the first to pool figures from multiple studies to specifically examine how skin tone may affect the accuracy of heart data in wearables. To learn even more about the porn preferences of each country, you can skip to the Top 20 Countries in Depth section at the end of the Year in Review.

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