Pornhub not working texas

Pornhub not working texas

We are reader supported and may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. He's been writing about the tech industry since for publications like Tech in Asia, Mashable, and various startup blogs. Is PornHub Banned in Texas? Also, your online activity will remain anonymous, keeping you safe from prying eyes. Texas' age verification law requires the submission of a valid ID before you can access adult sites. Other recent Texas laws, including bills requiring book vendors to rate content and restrictions on drag shows, have also faced First Amendment challenges, and Texas is not the only state to pursue age-verification requirements for content or even social media. Laptop photo: Ben Kolde, via Unsplash Pornhub is blocking visitors from Texas in response to an age-verification law that leaves adult websites liable if a minor is found to have accessed the content, even through deceptive means. Learn more Ok. It puts user privacy at risk and can lead to identity theft. Below, we explain our methodology which helped us identify the best VPNs to use:. Online Security Check out our online security courses and grab a limited-time offer. There are also security and privacy-related concerns with using free VPNs.

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