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Reid, R. Sex Behav. Given that problematic pornography use is considered a part of compulsive sexual behavior disorder under impulse-control disorders in the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision World Health Organization, ; Brand et al. Frequency of use was significantly associated with problematic use, but duration of use was not. About journal About journal. To address this mechanism, executive function and effortful control need to be studied in more detail. Comparison between pornography non-users, pornography users without impaired control, and pornography users with impaired control. Gray DC Bureau. About 24 percent of boys had looked at porn while physically in school, compared with about 20 percent of girls. Considering that most of the pornography usage was reported by male participants, it may be concluded that pornography is widely used by male university students in Japan. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Edinburgh woman 'struggled to walk in straight line' before devastating cancer diagnosis.

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