Pornhub searcg

Pornhub searcg

We've received your submission. Grandmas and other elderly ladies are all the rage in the world of adult entertainment, dirty new data from Pornhub shows. I wonder why Texans have a hankering for panties. Get our free mobile app. Americans now browse and watch for an average of 9 minutes and 51 seconds per session. I mean if you want to just see panties, you can always get a Frederick's of Hollywood magazine or something. And no, that number is not a typo. Meanwhile, the company also disclosed that Americans were the most prolific users of their X-rated website, with frisky Filipinos rising three spots to take second spot. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Pornhub also revealed that Americans are lasting longer on their site, with the average length of a site visit up 16 seconds from last year. Naturally, the United States topped the list of the most traffic because here in the states we are a bunch of perverts. What is a surprise however is what Texas searched for the most on the site.

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