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The Judge ruled that, at the current stage of proceedings, "the Court can infer a strong possibility that Visa's network was involved in at least some advertisement transactions relating directly to Plaintiff's videos". Skip to content. He also wondered why MindGeek decided to wait until to make such changes. Expand full comment. They need to really look at themselves in the mirror, because they're prioritizing money and content over actual human beings' lives. OTTAWA — A young woman whose life was shattered by a video of her posted to Pornhub while she was still in middle school says the trauma of child pornography is unending, and that stricter rules are needed. Though the one thing she failed to consider was that these tapes could get circulated among the guys in her school and then land on sites like Pornhub, which is sadly precisely what happened. It continues, "In doing so, they did not merely provide a platform for others to post child pornography. A New York Times investigation published that month says the website hosted videos of child sexual assaults and exploitations. Zero tolerance. Most Watched Today. A federal judge in California has issued a landmark decision to allow a lawsuit to proceed against Pornhub and against Visa for together monetizing videos of child rapes.

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