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Pornhub tent

Your notification has been saved. North Carolina won Jim Pillen's plan to wipe out vacant state jobs ended up getting rid of half as many positions as he originally touted, producin…. A senior European Commission official confirmed Wednesday that based on alternative data sources, the EU executive had "reasonable certainty" that the platforms' methodologies for calculating user numbers were flawed and that both had monthly users "above and beyond" 45 million. A French bill passed in October allows the government to block pornographic sites that do not have sufficient age and identity verification measures to prevent minors from accessing their content. The legislation closely mirrors laws passed in eight other states over the past two years after Louisiana in became the first state to require porn sites to verify the age of users. Aloy had already blocked access to its sites in seven of the eight states that enacted age verification laws prior to this year. Sign in. Share this article Comments. Notifications Settings. Dave Murman of Glenvill in the Legislature this year , the law requires porn websites, or third-party companies they contract, to verify that users attempting to access the sites are at least 18 years old through a "reasonable age verification method," which could include a photo ID or driver's license or other documentation — such as a credit card statement — that could serve as "a reliable proxy for age. South won

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