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Hellsing Ultimate Abridged has a case when Alucard and the Queen of England have an incredibly filthy conversation that contains many Crosses the Line Twice moments in front of a council of her advisers and allies. Private Ranger: Why a flying helmet Harry: Ah, you got a new pet? The den, the classrooms, the stables, the hangar — now that was exceptional. Michael: Gotta go wash my eyes It's almost dinnertime! A Running Gag and theme in Of Love and Bunnies is that Kira and her teammates find it very hard to see their mentor, Tommy , as a person, much less a person with a sex life. Full of Ms. He desperately wishes that he can go back to the time when ignorance is bliss, since every time he sees Kizuke Yai, all he can see now is his father's face. And I had a good cry after that one. In the sequel, Virtue's Last Reward , Sigma and Alice wish they could forget the sight of a grown man in armour K riding a big cute bunny like a little kid. That's my reality now.

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