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While Tokyo actually had pride month in May, show your pride anytime in Shinjuku Ni- chome , the gay district in Tokyo. Anyway, I like to arrive in time for dinner. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. The bartenders, and sometimes the dancers, are often shirtless, which is a plus. Pornhub Gay Porn. Any chance on a follow-up on transgender in Tokyo? If you feel the need to bar hop, Adezakura is another popular lesbian bar in the area. June 30, at pm. Depending on your gender and sexuality, there is also some decent cruising available here… Even men can get lucky! The most convenient meeting point is Shinjuku San-chome station , one stop from Shinjuku on the Fukutoshin, Marunouchi and Shinjuku metro lines. Whatever your goals for the night, here are some of my favorite spots that have all the elements for a flawless night out. The dance floor is fun because lots of Japanese and foreigners alike join in the communion of grinding and EDM.

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