Pornography in ethiopia

Pornography in ethiopia

The higher prevalence of risky sexual practice among men may be due to a higher proportion involved with multiple sexual partners and higher rate of substance use. Public Health Care 3 , Metrics details. Individuals who viewed or read pornographic materials frequently were more likely to have multiple sexual partners compared to those who did not [ 41 ]. Partially legal, under some broad restrictions. Completed consent forms were detached from the questionnaire, a copy being given to the participant, and kept in a locked cabinet on completion of the interview. Illegal, Punishable by Death Penalty. Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Retrieved 15 December Methods Study design and search strategy A systemic review and meta-analysis was conducted using published and unpublished research on the prevalence of risky sexual practices and its associated factors in Ethiopia. Meleko, A. Ethiop J Health Dev —

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