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The "photo set" feature was first introduced in July to allow single post compilations as opposed to a series of posts. In the Observer interview, Karp acknowledged that they were targeting a young demographic:. Russian young slut decided to try her friend's dick Get as many people as you can to go to your site. Young Russian chick gave a blowjob after a glass of wine Tumblr Day , also known as the International Tumblr Day , is an unofficial community holiday observed annually in early March ever year, during which Tumblr users are encouraged to wear the site's lower-case "t" logo on their skin or clothes so they can be identified as a group offline. A young chick invited a guy to visit for hot sex Members of the site can follow other Tumblr pages that can be viewed on their dashboard, and can "reblog" or "heart" other user's posts. Illustrations and artwork with nudity would be allowed, thought art showing sexual acts would not be permitted. These blogs generally have generic names mashing up words and numbers and are filled with hardcore pornographic gifs. They then mass follow that scraped list to get refollows. In early June , Tumblr released a new format for the user's dashboard.

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