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In addition, Cobie also appeared in the short Candy from Strangers directed by fellow Canadian rising star Eric Johnson. This marked Comedy Central's first ever Emmy nomination in a scripted acting category. Meg's small part in the blockbuster movie Top Gun led to her being cast in Steven Spielberg 's Innerspace where she co-starred with Dennis Quaid. The part was originally intended for Sarah Polley ; when Polley backed out to pursue another project, director Cameron Crowe considered scrapping the film altogether. In , she was elected the most "Beautiful woman of American TV. Anna Kendrick. Warhol was very guarded because homosexuality was illegal. He was very helpful. It just happened; I got the opportunity, and I knew that Andy was very interested in using him as a subject, and I ended up doing the planning. Next, she joined the cast of the acclaimed European animated thriller Metropia , as the voice of "Nina". Then, in , a pilot called "Friends Like These" came along. Snavely has many online defenders who have commented in news stories in his defense.

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