School pornhub

School pornhub

This is not cool. Phones can be useful tools for teenagers, but they can also be destructive, and social media is messing with their brains. Question Student Expression. For example, an year-old senior in high school is technically an adult and is arguably mature enough to view porn. While this type of filter would prevent students from stumbling across pornographic websites, it would also prevent students from researching STDs for health class or learning about sex education. The goal of this law is to prevent minors from viewing pornography and other material that is inappropriate for young people. Email Only used to contact you if we need more information about your question. People of differing ages require differing filters, which this filtering policy does not account for. However, the filtering software used outside of school is unnecessarily restrictive, not legally required, and probably violates student speech rights. According to the Supreme Court, your school has the power to ban student speech that negatively impacts the student welfare a. While this type of filter would prevent students from stumbling across pornographic websites, it would also prevent students from researching STDs for health class or learning about sex education. This means that the speech you are creating and accessing while at home on your Chromebook is even more protected than it would be at school.

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