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Vector collections. Hengameh Ghaziani was born on 20 May in Mashhad, Iran. Her performance in the film received rave reviews from critics and audiences worldwide. She was winner in the category "best supporting actress" at the 8th Beijing International Film Festival for her role of Nasrin in Searing Summer. Rosie's grandparents who were survivors of the Assyrian Genocide of , left Geogtapah during the Great Exodus from Urmia in With a passion for adventure and athleticism rivaling her dedication to helping others, Miss Yabandeh excels as an avid polo player, who has participated in several world snow polo championships and many exhibition, charity-oriented polo matches worldwide, swimmer, yoga enthusiast, and has trained with Navy SEAL Team Six in support of the Department of Defense. Masud Navaii, making her first official play in TV industry. Houghton Shahnameh. Her Congressional Testimony and her book, The Crimson Field, have been referenced in numerous academic papers and books. Thousands of AI-powered images Go beyond the limits of your imagination with high quality images generated by Artificial Intelligence. API Solutions to enhance your enterprise. Actress DC's Legends of Tomorrow —

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