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Years later, Ye formerly known as Kanye West had a nude wax model of her created for one of his music videos. Vice Senior Staff Writer Samantha Cole remarked the following about the sexist motivations behind deepfake pornography creation:. Congress and state legislatures are responding—but the questions remain: Are they acting fast enough? Latest in Commentary. What are the hurdles in pursuing justice? And the effort is probably worth it. There was a sixfold increase in deepfake pornography in the year to In the U. If governments, regulators and businesses do not act, the scale of the harm inflicted on women across the world will be immense. As a result, state Del. The artificial nature of these images did little to mitigate the harm caused to her reputation and career. Dan McConchie, who is sponsoring a bill that would prohibit the creation of deepfakes that feature minors engaged in sexual activity.

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