Texas pornhub news

Texas pornhub news

The bill was written by Plano Republican state Rep. So, Pornhub pulled out of Texas. Laptop photo: Ben Kolde, via Unsplash Pornhub is blocking visitors from Texas in response to an age-verification law that leaves adult websites liable if a minor is found to have accessed the content, even through deceptive means. Credit: Shutterstock. The network also operates Porn MD, a video search engine that aggregates content from across the network. Senior U. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can leave if you wish. Photos Theater Visual Art. To help keep your account secure, please log-in again. Sign up for our newsletters Get the latest News, free stuff and more! Chrome Safari Continue. Supreme Court on Tuesday declined a request from the porn industry to block a Texas age-verification rule, allowing the law to stand and temporarily derailing the efforts of porn creators to see the new safety measure scuttled.

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