

I was demanding respect, which is the equality everyone is spouting about. Feedback required. Please try again later. She's reading it for the second time. Legal Letters On my behalf, pro bono, three lawyers from Allens Linklaters, a major commercial law firm sent legal letters to all businesses advertising and holding Tranny Bingo on their premises and the owner of Tranny Bingo to cease and desist using the word because it is offensive and hurtful. Log In. That to me is responsible journalism, and everyone should follow suit. Legs McNeil. Follow us. People argue to this day that when the Dixie Chicks made their statement, "We are ashamed the president is from Texas," it would have been OK had it been said on American soil, but because it was said overseas, they are un-American and should be chased out of our country with a shotgun. To top. I know my own struggles that I had to go through just to find peace with my sexuality; theirs is one I could never imagine.

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